Friday, July 16, 2010


Aa-ishah [may Allah be pleased with her] related: “The sun went into eclipse during the lifetime of Allah’s messenger, on the day when Ibraheem (his infant son) died. People said that the sun was eclipsed because of Ibraheem’s death. The Prophet [peace be upon him] said: ‘The sun and the moon are two of Allah’s signs. They are not eclipsed for the death or the birth of anyone. If you see them eclipse, offer prayers and supplication to Allah’.” (Related by Abu Dawood).

Above event took place during the end of the Prophet Mohammad’s [peace be upon him] life. He had received a gift from the ruler of Egypt that included a bondwoman named Maria, whom he had a child. His son’s name was Ibrahim. Ibrahim lived for 18 months only and the Prophet [peace be upon him] wept for his death. 

Some of the Prophet’s companions felt that the solar eclipse that occurred that day was also a sign of universal grief at the Prophet’s loss of his son. When they suggested this, the Prophet corrected them, indicating that the eclipse was an aspect of universal phenomena which had no relation to people’s life or death. The companions were advised by the Prophet [peace be upon him] to pray whenever they saw a solar [Kusoof /sun] or lunar [ Khusoof / moon] eclipse and should not spend much time looking at it as it is an unusual event. It might be ushering a greater celestial event that may bring a catastrophe for the inhabitants of our planet so everyone is encouraged to pray and appeal to Allah to have mercy on mankind.

Voluntary prayer performed during the time of a solar eclipse signifies that we acknowledge that Allah is the owner and controller of the universe.

How it is performed?  Salaat Al-Kusoof/Khusoof consist of two rak'ah congregational prayer, which contains a total of four rukoo'aat. Pronouncing Takbeeratul Ihraam and reciting Soorat Al Faatihah, the Imaam then reads a long soorah outloud. then he performs a long rukoo'. After the rukoo' rather than rise and proceed to prostration, the Imaam reads again Soorat Al-Faatihah and another long soorah from the Qur'an but a bit shorter than the first one.  Then he performs another long rukoo' - a bit shorter than the first - then rises and completes the rak'ah as usual, performing two long prostrations.  The same is done in the second rak'ah. Therefore the prayer consist of four rukoo'aat and four sajdaat. [Muslim 2/1968]

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